Recently, in the comments of readers of my column, I sometimes read
"The font (pop-type) that Ebata uses in the figure of the column, is not good"
I understand that they are kind to me.
Perhaps I guess that they are belonging to academism.
For example, if I use pop-type for academic papers, my paper will not be rejected before peer review.
When I was a college student, I was the manager of the self-governing dormitory for short time extremely.
At that time, the student movement had already ended, however,
Still, from time to time, I could see such a signboard.
Sometimes, I think the following.
―― もし、学生運動の立て看板の文字に、
"If the letter of the signboard of the student movement"
―― ポップ体や、メイリオを使ってたら、
"use pop or Meiryo type",
―― 学生運動は、もっと延命できていたのではないかと
"the student movement may have been able to be extended"
ないかな ―― ないな。
No way? No way.