Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.
世界を「数字」で回してみよう(50) 働き方改革(9):
合理的な行動が待機児童問題を招く? 現代社会を映す負のループ
Let's turn the world by "Number"(50) : Work style reform(9) "
Reasonable behavior leads to standby child problem? A negative loop reflecting contemporary society
There is a continuation in the story with the juniors on the last page of this column.
「一人一票の民主主義というのは、本当に正しいものか」ということでした ―― この少子化社会で
It was that "Is democracy of each one vote really true?" --- in this declining birthrate society.
- It may be said that young people do not go to vote is their own self income,
Do they have responsibility for the population of young people decreases, and the fact that their opinion is not reflected in national policies,
I want to do "killing me and my daughter" under equal conditions.
In the current situation, under overwhelmingly favorable conditions, I will unilaterally slaughter my daughter.