(Continuation from yesterday)
Relatively cool days have continued for about a week, but recently the heat days has come back again.(However I did not think that I called the day of temperature 30 degrees "cool" in my life)
はっきり言って、エアコンなしでは、夜が眠れません ―― 眠れないだけなら良いですが、下手すると、命と引き換えになるかもしれません。
Frankly speaking, I cannot sleep well without air-conditioner. If not sleeping well, it might be no problem. However, I have to exchange for life.
The person who has a creed of "Nuclear Power Plants are needed and we have to keep and manage them, should argue his/her article of faith with this "blistering heat" in this summer.
However I have never read such arguments before.
(To tell you the truth, it is not unknown thing, but) the present Japan is in trouble handling power surplus. This is the normal knowledge for our engineer. (I will write the column about this issue)
So, unfortunately, this "blistering heat" might not be a "value of hostage"
Set it aside,
Recently I have done a thought experiment.
When I bring Tokugawa Ieyasu to the present age (tropical night with high humidity) and ask him,
「江戸幕府の最高権力者の地位」と「エアコンのある日常」をどちらかを選べ ――
Choose either "the position of the highest authority of the Edo shogunate" and "the day with the air conditioner"
Which will he choose ?
In my case, I absolutely choose "air conditioner"
仮に「エアコン」のありがたさを知ってしまったとしても、「権力」というのは「エアコン」を越える魅力があるのなぁ、と ―― そんな(本当にどーでもいい)ことを、ずっと考え続けています。
Even if he knows a comfort of air-conditioner, he might think that "power" is appeal to him more than "air-conditioner". I have thought nonissue for a long time.
まあ、当時は「権力を失うこと = 即死」という状況にあったことを鑑みれば、この比較自体がナンセンスである、と言えると思います。
At the period, "Losing power" reaches to "instant death", so this comparison might be nonsense.
現代の私達は、権力がなくても、理不尽に殺されることは(滅多には)ありません ―― もっとも、これからも「ない」とは言い切れませんが
We, nowadays, are seldom killed unduly by others, even if we have no power. However, nobody knows in our future.
例えば ―― 大日本憲法が制定された時には、軍部が統帥権を楯に政府を無視するなど、想定していませんでしたし(文民統制ボロボロ)
For example, nobody knew that the armed services ignored Japanese government by the reason of invasion of supreme command( civilian control was broken perfectly) when Imperial Constitution of Japan was established.
Nobody also knew territorial defense by the Self-Defense Forces, and the possibility of amendment of the Constitution, article 9, when Constitution of Japan was established.
まあ、そういう面倒なことは、いったん、忘れるとして ――
Well let me forget all annoying things,
In view of the past period, I was just a "foot soldier" that was lower class of "infantry"
"A warring lord who cannot use air-conditioner" or "a foot soldier who can use air-conditioner". I think I like to be the latter.