I think I have told you many times in the past that I was initially opposed to the "conjugal surname system".
I once even thought of homosexuality as a form of mental disorder.
Now, I don't think so.
I'd like to say "because I learned it myself," however, essentially, I've surrendered myself to the changing attitudes of society.
Nevertheless, the idea that "if a lot of people affirm it, it's probably right" is risky.
However, if your stance is "if it's the matter that many people are interested in, I'll look into it myself". Then it's good.
It took quite a bit of energy to incorporate new ideas (marital separation, homosexuality, etc.) into my life.
自分の中にある、他の部分の考え方の変更も余儀なくされるからです ―― 正直、これは、「辛い作業」です。
Because it also forces me to change the way of other parts of myself. Honestly, this is "hard work".
It's a "painful" process that is unimaginable to younger people, especially for elder people who have lived by existing values.
It's "painful work" and I can't force others to do it.
しかし、その「痛くて辛い作業」を経ないと、現状の制度や差別で痛み苦しんでいる人 ―― 私の痛みや辛さとは比較にならない程の ―― に寄り添うことができません。
However, without going through that "painful work," it is impossible to reach out to those who are in pain and suffering from the current system and discrimination. It's so much worse than my pain and hardship.
But basically, it's "other people's pain" and not "my pain".
どれほどの痛みや苦しみがあろうが ―― 所詮は、「他人事」です。
No matter how much pain and suffering there is -- it's just for "other people".
You're allowed to ignore it.
I (only) don't blame you.
I also continue to "ignore" a lot of issues.
What I am doing is merely "quantifying the problem". Very few of the problems (solutions) have been reached.
(To be continued)