I thin that someone do or say something about "trigonometric function".
Two years ago, my released column,
"Recurrent Education [the former half]: The trigonometric function unnecessary theory and the Destruction of Individuality"
is now ranked in, so I was surprised.
多分、この『三角関数 要/不要』の論争は、これから何度も登場するでしょう。
Probability, this argument of "The trigonometric function unnecessary theory" will often be happened in the future.
However, rather than the above column, in the latter half,
"Recurrent education should be a "guidebook" for survival in the age of career abandonment".
I have argued hard opinions of mine like following,
―― いろいろ言っているけど、要するにお前ら、三角関数が嫌いなだけだろ……!
"You say a lot of things, but the bottom line is that you guys just hate trigonometric functions: ..!"
Please read on if you are interested.