According to my column that was released yesterday,
I am very glad that I could find the comment "I want to translate this column into English and broadcast it in the world".
私は「「英語に愛されないエンジニア」の為の新行動論」 も世界に広めたいと思っています。
I hope that not only this "EtherCAT" serialzation , but also "new action strategy for engineers who are not loved by English" will be broadcast in the world.
―― 世界は知るべきだ
"The world should know
―― 英語という地獄の中で闘っている、私達日本人の姿を
our Japanese daily straggles against English.
I think that your question "Ebata, why don't you translate them into English?" is natural.
Maybe I can do it, in fairly less time.
なぜなら私は、 自分が作ったルールに従って、自分勝手に英文翻訳をしているから です。
Because I translate them on my way, based on my original rules.
(To be continued)