There was a super-market next to an apartment blocks near my house.
Residents of the apartment blocks seemed to decrease from year to year, most of the customers of the market were seniors.
The other day, when I went to the super-market to get the curry roux, I found it was closed.
I was really shocked to watch the scene surprisingly.
実家に帰る度に、大量の食料を買い込み、肉は50g程度に切り分け、魚は焼魚にして、サランラップでくくんで、冷凍庫に放り込む ―― とか、いろいろ工夫をして、実家の食料を確保していますが、
Whenever I go to my country house, I keep hoarding of a lot of foods in the refrigerator. After the meat is cut into approximately 50g, and the fish is in the grilled fish, and I throw them in the freezer.
It is that I still go out to the supermarket driving the car, and I have some physical strength to carry a large amount of groceries.
I wonder where the elder lady, who used the walker assist device and was waddling, should go.
How does she get foods from now ?
I am afraid that it is not other people's affairs.
So I really come to feel deep desperation.