Currently, I am asking questions about the source code of people who are developing open source, which is a university in Germany, about 1 time each day.
He is a very kind person. If I ask questions about the code, he developed the code I wanted and ,publish the code within that day.
Thanks to him, I don't come to think "human beings should die" at the last minute.
It is "English (mail of morning)" that we can communicate about technical issues between Germany and Japan.
―― 英語って、やっぱり便利だなぁ
"English is convenient"
I think.
By the way, I am a genuine "Japanese English" user.
そして、これからも"Native English"なんぞに、1mm足りとも、労力を払うつもりはありません。
And, I also have no intention to pay for being "Native English" speaker from now.
TOEICや英検の勉強で、一生に何回使うか分からない英単語の暗記に、膨大な時間を費すのも人生です ―― 私には理解致しかねますが。
It also a life to spend a huge amount of time to memorize English words, that you do not know how many times you will use in your life. I don't not understand it.
私は、TOEICとか英検などという、英語のランク付けに血道を上げる時間があれば、世界中のエンジニアに"Japanese English"のメールを出しまくります。
I will rather mail of "Japanese English" to engineers around the world, than try to rank up of such as TOEIC or Eiken.
And, I choose life "to be kind to their people".
ちなみに、私が、C/C++ (not including STL)ユーザであることも、何度もご紹介しましたが、今回の日独技術協議は、"英語"と"Python言語"で話が進められています。
By the way, I have told you that I am a C / C ++ (not including STL) user many times, and the discussion on this day's German - Japan technical consultation is underway in "English" and "Python language".
I acknowledge that Python is currently the universal language of the program at the present time.
This language is certainly "easy".
Even just saying "no compile" is sufficiently helpful.
No strong insistence on object orientation and execution speed is fairly fast (Of course, compared with C / C ++, it is "slow", but this comparison is cowardly).
Well, more than that, there are lots of libraries, and users, mostly "there are many books".
Anyway in the world of politics, "number is power" is absolute in the world of computer languages.
30年前に、PC8001MK2に標準実装されていた言語が、BASICでなくて、Pythonであれば、私もかなりラクができたと思うのですが ―― 例えば、友人に助けて貰いながら、マシン語でコードした日々の悪夢とか。
Thirty years ago, if the language that was standard implemented in PC8001MK2 was not BASIC but Python, I think that I was pretty lucky. For example, the day-to-day nightmares coded in machine language while getting my friend's help.
Well, as there was such a time, I am now able to use most programming languages in about one day in general.
However, I do not mean to say stupid things, "Do buy the hardships when you are young."
(I've tried a bit google serach now, but I still got someone who is writing such stupid things.They are really fool aren't they?)
I just think, "When I was young, I could have cut corners I had a current high-performance computer and Python."