(Continuation from yesterday)
Anyone can understand that "dive" is nonsense, even if we can take a rest slowly, think a lot (In addition, (and you are totally ignorant about the system).
If you have time, you can think about future measures, correspondence, and come up with the best and shortest way to fix a problem.
To begin with, who is responsible for the Raspberry PI's kernel panic?
The responsibility for kernel panic is for Raspberry PI (hardware, OS, or other software).
So it is unreasonable that only certain people are blamed.
However, in reality, the world is supposed to blame the person who stood closest to the problem.
If "dive" can skip these troublesome problems, and shut the mouth of all concerned in it, it is an reasonable solution, and
―― その選択肢を選ぶ人を、少なくとも私だけは非難しない
"At least, I don't blame the person who choose the solution"
As long as the "dive" is not my obstacles of commutes or business trips, I can feel pity for the person.
ただ、このような場合でも、「自殺」は、"No return to your life"という意味でよろしくありません。
However even if it is the case, I think that "suicide" is not choice because it is "No return to your life".
とりあえず、仮想的な自殺 ―― 「逃亡」「失踪」を試みましょう。
For the moment, let try "escape" or "disappearance" as a "virtual suicide"
Above all, turn of your smart-phone and pull SIM card out. Take to a hotel somewhere, and drink and take sleeping pill or stabilizer. Keep sleeping for twelve hours at least.
それで自体が良くなる保証はありませんが ―― 少くとも、自殺は、「逃亡」「失踪」の後、十分な時間経過後(例えば、7日後)にも、実施可能です。
Of course, there is no guarantee to return to normal. However I can say, you can kill yourself after "escape" or "disappearance", For example after 7 days.