『努力は天才に勝つ』―― という諺(ことわざ)を、私は一貫して
I consistently say, about the saying of "Efforts excel at genius"
―― バカいってんじゃねーよ
"How stupid you are!"
I will keep saying it.
Effort cannot compete with "genius".
I think that there is no problem to say that the idiot saying, "Efforts excel at genius" maybe "lazy" who stayed in a narrow world and never looked at the world
こういう馬鹿げたことを言っている奴を調べてみたのですが、「教師」「スポーツ選手」に多いようです ―― 全ての人間がそういう人間ではないでしょうが、確かに、比率としては「世間知らず」が多そうな職業です。
I looked into those who were saying such ridiculous things. "Teachers" and "athletes" seem to be more. Indeed, not all humans are such humans, but the ratio of "native" is likely to be high.
On the other hand, when asked, "Is a genius happy?" I cannot answer it.
This story must go back to the question of what happiness is, as a premise.
Still, as far as I've seen, "the person I've identified as a genius" generally doesn't seem happy.
―― 他の人が見えないものが、見えてしまう
She/He can see what people cannot see.
―― 他の人が理解できないものが、理解できてしまう
She/He can know what people cannot know.
These make them lonely
―― 自分の考えを、他人に伝えられない
She/He cannot inform others therir thought.
These will stress them
And many people do not find value in "incomprehensible talent".
The "incomprehensible talent" cannot spread to the world because there is no intermediary.
It means,
"Influenza disease with a lethal rate of" 100% "and a transmission rate of" 0% ""
is good example, I think.
(To be continued)