Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.
踊るバズワード ~Behind the Buzzword(3)量子コンピュータ(3):
量子ビットを初期化する ~さあ、0猫と1猫を動かそう
Dancing Buzzword-Behind the Buzzword (3) Quantum Computer (3)
Initializing the Quantum Bit - Now let's move the 0cat and 1cat!
いずれ、娘たちが、我が家を去る時がくるはずです ―― 就職か、結婚か、あるいは別の理由かは分かりませんが。
The time is coming when our daughters will leave our home -- whether it's for a job, marriage, or some other reason. I don't know.
The children must leap in the opposite direction of the parent, abandoning the parent as a stepping stone.
Parents finish their charge by being used up as energy for their children to fly.
Just as I have used my parents as a stepping stone in the same way.
―― とまあ、それはさておき。
Aside from that.
After my senior and junior daughter are gone, our house will have quite a bit of space.
I'm wondering if I could set up a "quantum computer" in the children's room if I busted out the wall.
For now, as for space.