Daughter: "I was surprised to see that when I searched for 'suicide by jumping into a train,' your column came up as the third one on the top page"
I remembered her telling me that, so I gave it a try.
It's really coming out.
According to the editorial staff, the PV count of this column goes up every time whenever "a suicide by jumping into a train" happened.
Maybe today, the PV count is still going up.
What I did was a computer simulation, using simple equations of motion.
After all, it is just a "jumping" experiment in a computer.
If there is such a need for this column, I think it would be a good idea if the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or a consortium of railroad companies conducted a demonstration experiment using animal carcasses (or meat lumps of similar composition) and disclosed the data.
It would also be necessary to set up about 20 high-speed cameras on the side of the tracks, shooting at frames of 1/100 to 1/1000 of a second, to record the reality of the suicide by jumping into the train.
Of course, those images would be shocking and could cause PTSD.
I believe that the method of disclosure must be handled with great care and caution.
After my death, I have given permission for my body to be "utilized (transplanted)" way only.
However, as the person who wrote this column, I think I need to ask them to seriously consider using my death body as a demonstration of "jumping suicide".
This is a serious matter for me.