When I was a college student, I heard that someone who had been a critic of cults had been 'shot with an air gun.
―― 私も危ないかもしれない
"I might be in danger, too."
I have a sense of urgency.
The Ebata family has a 24-hour surveillance system that I created that keeps it running.
However, even if this system can identify the culprits, it would be a loss if they attacked and killed me or my family.
As I have said, the attacker always wins in terrorism, and there is no way to prevent suicide bombings.
In my case, if I am attacked outdoors, I have nothing to do.
So, as far as (I don't know about others) me,
―― リモートワークによる「引きこもり」という自衛手段
"Self-defense by "shutting myself away" through remote work"
is important.
ですから、「出社が面倒」―― そんなこと、1mmも思っていません。
So, "Going to the office is a hassle" - I don't think that for a single millimeter.