私が使っているライセンスは「BSDライセンス」というものです。この辺については、 江端さんのひとりごと「全世界ヌーディスト計画」(文末にリンク)を御参照下さい。
―― そういう販売方法が、必ずしもライセンス違反とは断定できない
まんがライフ STORIA に連載中の「ラーメン大好き小泉さん」には、以前、蒙古タンメン中本の激辛「北極ラーメン」を紹介して貰いました。
Once, a running manga in the magazine "Manga-life STORIA", "Ms.Koizumi, she is a ramen lover" introduced a super ultra spicy ramen "Hokkyoku ramen" to me.
When I feel rough, sad and tough for my work, "Hokkyoku ramen" is always likely to comfort me.
―― ラーメンは、一生の友人となり得る
"A ramen could become a friend for life."
It convinced me the above.
After that, I decided that I make sure that I go to eat any ramen that Ms.Koizumi recommends.
Because I think that is the greatest thanks to her.
で、今月の まんがライフ STORIA に掲載されたラーメンですが、
The ramen in the magazine was
"A ramen with pine and shrimp"
うーん、そう来たか。いや、しかし、小泉さんが勧めるラーメンなのですから ――
However I didn't expect that way, it is a ramen Ms.Koizumi recommends....
"Ramen with chocolate, ice-cream, lemons, nuts and strawberry...."
―― 正直、厳しいなぁ。
To be honest, it should be hard for me.
No. That's not the case.
Original creative ramens, they are O.K. for me.
They can expand my paradigm absolutely.
I might be able to get a story of one column of mine, if it works.
I engage in eating any ramens she loves even if they are not good.
When I tried to check the "ramen with pine and shrimp", the shop is near Nishi-ogikubo station.
It is far from Kokubunzi, Akihabara and Ikebukuro, so it is difficult to go to the shop after Biz-trip.
So it is weekend.
I am sure that it is a cool and luxury adult holiday, just to eat the ramen.
(Continuation from yesterday)
I have a confirmation about this my hypothesis to some extent.
Because I know the fact which gives proof of this hypothesis partly.
"Whatever Ebata-san is saying is always a good lesson for me."
"Ebata-san, you are only my revered teacher in my life"
Though my junior colleagues says to me about the above courtly serif, they have never paid attention to what I says since now.
"If you want to get your message across me, show me your fruits I call forth admiration"
Both they who do the above directly, and
I, who don't have any fruit at all certainly,
make a complementary relationship each other.
This fact comes to establish a part of my hypothesis, strongly and ironically.
From this April, I also hold the Artificial Intelligent(AI) post too.
私の技術的な知見が抜擢された ―― という訳あろうはずもなく、チーム全員が兼任となりました。
My potential intelligence of research engineering have been founded ... is not true. Our team members are assigned the same AI section.
"Well, it is "AI"..."
I am afraid that engineers of my own generation is going to show doubt, if they hear the word "AI".
The work of research has two aspects at the same time.
One is "to hold court when a technology become hot"
The other is "after full boom of the technology for the their problems and limitations we have to random-walk to seek for foods(budget) with poor clothes in frigit wild.
Any technology fields are almost same, but I remember that "AI" is terrible especially.
「希望で始まり、絶望で終わる」 ―― そういう魔法少女のような恐しさが、かつての"AI"にはあったのです。
"To start with hope, and to end with desperation"
There had been the fear like "Magika-Madoka" in "AI" field.
Can I believe "AI" again, passing over 20 years?
This year seems to be put to the test for me.
I wrote before that the reason I like "technology" is that
―― 動くものだけが絶対
"only something working is absolute"
While some people are excited "let's make XXX (working group, etc,)" "let's start XXX (standardization, etc.)",
an engineer says bossy,
"I made it, and working now"
Just murmuring, I can see a happy scene that they, who are excited, are going to lose their face in a moment.
I know both positions of "I have smashed the face" and "my face has been crushed", and I also know "greatness" and "cruelty" of technology every time.
多分、他の分野 ―― 政治、経済、文化、歴史 ―― の世界では、このような場面に立ち会うことは、多分ないのだろうな、と思ってます。
Perhaps, in the world of other fields - politics, economics, culture, history - I cannot watch such scenes.
動くこと、速いこと、小さいこと、安いこと ―― これらについて、「技術」には、議論の余地がない、という点が、私は好きです。
Working, fast, small and cheap. I like that there is no room for discussion for "technology".
Twice a day, the English news from Japan, presented by NHK is broadcast on radio.
Previously, I downloaded this news to my computer, and put it in music POD, and heard it on the way of commuting.
Since I bought a smartphone, I have been able to hear it anytime and I am very much saved.
However, I listen seriously only to three headlines in one minute immediately after the start of the news.
In the latter 15 minutes, I can not maintain the motivation to keep listening to the news content.
The headlines are good.
国内の時事ニュースなので、興味もありますし ―― 一度、すでに日本語で入手しているニュースで、内容も事前に分かっているので、楽しく聞けます。
Because they are domestic and current news, I am interested in listening. Once in the news which I have already obtained in Japanese, I know the content in advance.
The problem is international news.
They are first news for me, and the news does not directly affect me, so I cannot concentrate to listen the news.
To tell you the truth, I think,
"To Syria, who knows? No matter who bombed the air?"
"I do not care who a stupid president in some country is, moving the embassy in the place called Jerusalem, which has been the center of my troubles for almost 2000 years"
In conclusion, we are not interested in English because the content used in that English is "hopelessly boring".
"The picture of episode 7 of" Violet Ever Green "is too beautiful"
『"宇宙よりも遠い場所" 12話の最期の1分間は、涙なくして見られない』
"About the last one minute of "A place far from the universe" episode 12, we cannot be seen without tears"
というニュースであれば、間違いなく、私は最大限の努力で、英語のニュースを聞きとろうとする ―― はずです。
If there is the above news, no doubt that I will try to listen to English news with utmost effort.
However, when it comes to news dealing with the whole genre called animation, I think that "I guess it is useless for me".
The title of anime I would like to have news is only 1 course, 1 title, at most 2 titles.
自分にだけ興味のある英語ニュース ――
English news that I am interested only myself -
I am afraid that I cannot meet news that are convenient for just me.
Now in the cool, the animation of "we are not good at studying" has started.
One of the heroines of this anime, is a genius mathematical girl who has hopeless sense in literary relations.
She wants a 'psychology' major, and she had to improve her liberal arts in order to pass the university,
It seems that this is an animation that depicts heroines whose “talents” and “what she want to do”are completely different.
I hope that this animation will entertain me, because the settings are interesting.
I always think, but I do not understand why "psychology" is a liberal art.
My eldest daughter also majors in "psychology" at university, but psychology requires statistical and probability methods by all means.
In fact, I often see my eldest daughter study hard in statistics.
In addition, "psychology" has tight relationship with medicine, praxiology, philology, and especially information science in recent years.
Bayes estimation, enhanced learning and neural network from the view of brain science are also included in this field.
"Psychology" is a study that needs the repeat action from hypothesis, experiment to verification. The study like this, is called "science"
So I believe that "Psychology" is a science subject exactly.
(To be continued)
Currently, people are asked for refraining from going out and contacting other people all over Japan.
I'm basically closed at home, the other day, an “emergency urgent business” occurred, and I took the train after a long time.
On the way home, at the ticket gate of the station, I was not a little shocked that I found a group of youth who were playing with friends while shouting out
To be honest, I wanted to beat them.
In foreign countries, there have been cases where residents killed a group of young people who were making noise in front of their homes with guns.
In Japan, something similar has already happened, and I think it will be news.
However, I think that what we are careful, is
―― こういう「感染リテラシー」の低い人間が存在していたとしても、直ちに私たちの努力が台無しになる訳ではない
"Even if these people have low "infection literacy", our efforts are not spoiled immediately"
This is clear from the results of this simple simulation.
(Note: it doesn't appear in IE browser).
"Stay at Home"にチェックを入れた場合と、入れないで比較すれば、その結果は明らかです。
The result is clear if you check "Stay at Home" with or without.
"Stay at Home"にチェックを入れた場合でも、一定の人数は、"Stay at Home"を守っていませんが、感染が抑制されている様子が示されれいます。
Even if "Stay at Home" is checked, a certain number of people do not comply with "Stay at Home", however, the simulator indicates that the infection has been controlled.
"Show deaths"にチェックを入れれば、さらにはっきりします。
Check "Show deaths", it makes the effect clear.
In other words, if the number of people with low "infection literacy" can be reduced, the infection can be controlled.
From these results, you can see that the policy of the government and local governments, "Reduce the number of people contacting by 80%", makes sense.
Regarding "the youth who are playing with 5 friends", we seem to think that they are usually playing with 25 friends (that is, 80% reduction), and we don't think
―― 犯罪的なまでに低能
"They are criminally incompetent"
とは、思わないようにしましょう ―― やつらの為ではなく、私たちの心の健康の為に。
This is not for them, but for our mental health.
(1) "Rabbit jumping" only hurts your legs and feet, and breaks your body rather than building a sports physique.
(2) As for "water intake during exercise," it is a big mistake to say, "You must not drink a drop of water because your body will get exhausted." On the contrary, "You must actively drink water to prevent heat stroke.
(3) Cholesterol intake is increased by mayonnaise, but the risk of death is greater whether cholesterol levels are high or low, and the risk is greater when cholesterol levels are low.
Can you imagine my shock when I was told these things?
When I was a teenager, I was forced to do "rabbit jumping" under the blazing sun in an athletic club, and I was forbidden to drink water. To be honest, I would like to claim damages for (1) and (2).
(I don't know who I should file a lawsuit against.)
My father loved mayonnaise, but my mother forbade him to consume it. If my father had heard (3), I think he would have been angry, behind the grass.
Because these (1) to (3) were said to be "correct" from the perspective of medicine and science.
I think that there have been many of these things, and there will be many more.
This is inevitable.
So, you know.
―― マスクは、新型コロナ感染に、なんの効果もなかった
"Masks had no effect on the new corona infection"
The possibility that such an announcement will be made in a few years to a decade is not "zero".
If such an announcement is made, those who have been "buying up masks" or who have been "criticizing those who don't wear masks" will
"They feel very embarrassed"
Such a future may be coming.
In that future, "mandatory masks for coronary disasters" will be introduced on TV variety shows, and
"People back then were really bloodthirsty for dumb things"
They may sneer at you with saying that.
(To be continued)
Recently, I have received various kind emails to the email address I published in my column.
- mercari
We have detected that your Mercurial Account has been abused by a third party and your account has been restricted.
―― メルカリは、使ってない
"I don't use Mercury"
We regret to inform you that we have restricted the use of some of your cards due to a transaction for which we would like to confirm whether the transaction was made by you or not.
―― イオンカード持っていない
"I don't have an AEON card"
- jcb card
Thank you for using JCB Card.
―― JCBカード使っていない
"I don't use a JCB card"
The payment due date has passed.
―― 江端家の通信インフラは、JCOMじゃない
"The Ebata family's telecommunications infrastructure is not JCOM"
- mobile Suica
Due to credit failure, the Mobile Suica renewal process could not be completed.
―― 私は、モバイルSUICAを使っていない
"I am not using mobile SUICA"
- From China (.cn domain)
- For services that I neither possess nor use.
- for your courteous warning.
I thank your cooperation, however,
"They are very annoying"
So, yesterday, I deleted all the e-mail addresses that I had published in my column.
I may revive it later, but I will leave it alone for a month or so.
If the error mail is delivered to the sender, it will not be resent.
It is quite convenient to have a personal domain name (in my case "kobore.net") and an environment where you can add and delete a number of email addresses.
I also change my personal email address from time to time.
This is to smartly shake off senders who send meaningless e-mails.
私が返事をしなくても、mailer-daemonさんが、"User unknown"と返事してくれて、後腐れもありません。
Even if I don't respond, mailer-daemon responds with "User unknown" and there is no need for me to answer.
I have received many different emails, but even I am afraid of emails from people who send me text messages that sound like 'I can hear God's voice'.
I remember that I once created an automatic mail response system that made it look like a reply from "mailer-daemon" only to a specific person.
Non-alcoholic beer is a beer-flavored carbonated water beverage, basically the same as cola or other carbonated beverages.
Of course, it has zero alcohol(*), and in light of the calories, it should be a much healthier drink than other drinking water.
(*) Some beers with less than 1% alcohol by volume are called non-alcoholic beers, but are not included here.
―― なぜ、ノンアルコールビールを駅の自販機で取り扱ってくれないの?
"Why don't they carry non-alcoholic beer in the station vending machines?"
I like to drink normally, on my way to work, to school, or in the company cafeteria.
To begin with, the design of that can is confusing.
That design makes it look like you are drinking real beer.
I sometimes drive while drinking non-alcoholic beer and will probably be caught by the police in the near future (although I am sure I will be released soon).
I don't drink it as an alternative to beer, I like the unique barley taste of that beer.
And if I am going to pay for something, I want to drink what I like.
I wonder if the reason why the can design is made to look exactly like real beer is because many users want to be fooled into thinking that they are drinking beer, not only in terms of taste, but also visually.
I understand how you feel.
In fact, I believe that non-alcoholic beer contributes significantly to the prevention of drunk driving.
Well, sometimes I see things I don't like.
My family has become significantly less alcohol literate since I stopped drinking.
なにしろ、『麦茶を炭酸水で割れば、ノンアルコールビールになる』と信じていていた者がいたくらです ―― 嫁さんと次女です。
After all, there was persons who believed that "if you mix barley tea with soda water, you can make non-alcoholic beer". They were my wife and my second daughter.
陽気で多弁、トレンドの話題に精通し、場の空気を読んだ話題を提供でき、誰とも気さくに話せる ―― 陽のキャラクタ『陽キャ』。
Cheerful, multi-syllabic, well versed in trending topics, able to talk about the issues of the moment, and friendly with everyone -- "Extrovert" character.
If you look at the world, you will see a lot of content that says only "Extroverts" live happily.
When I was a teenager, I think I worked very hard to create an "Extrovert persona" with the sole intention of not being called "dark-rooted."
However, "Extrovert" can only be helpful until one enters the workforce.
Of course, "Extrovert" is often an advantage in later life (love, marriage, friends, etc.).
However, society is not so lenient that one can get through it with only an "Extrovert.
In society, no matter how "Extrovert" you are, people who fail to produce output (results) are harsh and cold.
Lately, I have sometimes wondered if I would benefit more from being "less Extrovert."
I have been a businessman for a long time, and I fear the "competent" and "silent and unsympathetic boss."
I am terrified of a boss who doesn't get back in the groove and shuts down in the middle of a conversation, even when I do my best to incorporate a variety of topics and explain them in my rhythm.
I fear they can see everything I am trying to deceive myself into not saying.
And, by and large, many such bosses 'see through it.
Bosses who don't get into the "Extrovert groove" will talk about "their ideas" at their own pace, not "in the groove."
Such a boss does not "read the air".
Hence, they are 'strongest' and often 'right'.
For a "perfection denier" and "corner-cutting supremacist" like myself, these people are horrifying.
I think many of the presidents of large companies in our country are like this.
(I didn't get the original information), there seems to be a hypothesis that 'people who were student body president, tennis club president, or on the yang side when they were students, don't get ahead in the future.
From what I have seen in my long career as a businessman, I can "adopt" this hypothesis.
The period you can get through with only "Extrovert " is only a tiny part of your life.
In society, only output (results) is essential.
『努力し続ける無口なコミュ障が、最強となる』 ―― (他の国は知りませんが)我が国の多くの組織には、このメカニズムが組み込まれているように思います(その是非はともあれ)。
The silent communicator who keeps trying will be the strongest." - I think this mechanism is built into many organizations in our country (I don't know about other countries), regardless of their merits or demerits.
Of course, being "Extrovert " is not a bad thing.
However, I don't think it makes much sense to "work hard to create an 'Extrovert persona.'"
―― ということを、ティーンエイジャの皆さんに申し上げても無駄であることは、分かっているんですけどね。
I know that it is useless to say this to teenagers.
In the teenager's world line, it is true that "lovers" and "friends (number)" are the "currency,"